Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan, who’s turned 44 today, came in from Delhi to ring in his birthday with best friend Karan Johar, gorgeous wife Gauri Khan and their two kids, Aryan and Suhana. Shah Rukh was in London till October 30, he then flew to New Delhi via Mumbai for a professional engagement and then landed back in Mumbai only hours before the clock struck 12 on his birthday.
Gauri and Karan are expected to host a surprise party for the actor with regulars like Juhi and Jai Mehta, Hrithik Roshan and Sussanne Khan, Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor, Chunky and Bhavna Panday, Kajal Anand, Arjun and Mehr Rampal, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan attending it.
The actor will also greet fans who gather outside Mannat each year on his birthday and is expec
ted to have an hour-long media interaction, too. “He usually ends up cutting at least two dozen cakes because he finds it hard to turn away any of his well-wishers,” said a source.
source: indiatimes