A Wednesday’ director Neeraj Pandey who is making Special Chabbis based on the notorious 1987 heist at Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri jewellery store at Opera House, has signed Abhishek Bachchan to play the lead role. Abhishek will play the man who booked a room in a posh Mumbai hotel as Mohan Singh and proceeded to commit the most daring daylight robbery in the city. Singh recruited 26 conmen, who posed as income tax officers, and raided the Opera House branch of TBZ and walked away with jewellery worth lakhs.
According to sources, Neeraj finalised Abhishek for the role because he is from Uttar Pradesh. Although no one knows if Mohan Singh was the main conman’s real name, he apparently hailed from UP and was in his mid-30s. Abhishek was an obvious choice as he too has a UP lineage and belongs to the same age group. Abhishek loved Neeraj’s A Wednesday and was happy to be part of Special Chabbis.
Since the role is based on a real life character, Abhishek needs to prepare for his role in terms of speech and body language.
Neeraj confirmed the news and said, “I can’t deny that Abhishek is on board but I want to get some other key members of the cast in place before I make a formal announcement. The film requires 26 actors and I want to make sure all of them are just right for their part. I will start the project in mid-2010. Before that I am producing a film titled 3 Large 1 Small under my banner Friday Filmworks. It’s the story of a somewhat young man who looks back on his life. I’m currently hunting for a director and a main lead.”
Meanwhile, there’s bad news for those waiting for Neeraj to start the prequel to A Wednesday. After the Tamil remake of A Wednesday (Unnaipol Oruvan), Neeraj has decided to shelve the earlier planned prequel. “I’ve to admit the remake (Unnaipol Oruvan) makes my plans to make a prequel to A Wednesday redundant now. I think we need to move on from A Wednesday. That’s what Special Chabbis gives me a chance to do,” said Neeraj.
source: indiatimes